
Incidents Disclaimer: ThreatRate's database consists of kidnap for ransom, political kidnappings and extortion cases that are likely to be covered under K&R insurance policies of various insurance companies. The database does not include kidnapping incidents (including for ransom) occurring among criminal gangs, domestic abductions (child abductions by relatives) bride kidnappings or abductions with sexual motives.

Statistics Disclaimer: The statistical data provided in this page is retrieved from ThreatRate's database which consists of media-recorded cases of kidnap for ransom, political kidnappings and extortion cases of types likely to be covered under the K&R insurance policies of various insurance companies. The database does not include kidnapping incidents (including for ransom) occurring among criminal gangs, domestic abductions (child abductions by relatives), bride kidnappings, or abductions with sexual motives. As the vast majority of all types of kidnappings go unreported, only incidents available through the public domain are described. Neither the statistics nor the database itself should be considered as the definitive total of such events.